Golden Beryl (WIP)
A friendly face around the volcanic island. Golden Beryl is sort of a jack of all trades and a pleasant person to hang around. Back home, they'd be set up to work with gems when their patrol partners were unavailable, so they were liked by pretty much everyone. Here they're officially the papermaker, but they don't concern themself with constructing their identity around their job like many others are. They're cheerful and eager to make new friends. And craft conspiracy theories! But that part's a secret, they don't want anyone knowing that.
Golden Beryl is yet another mostly average gem, with a thin build and standing at about 5 feet tall. On the original island they powdered their whole body, and wore the classic uniforms with the wrong season's gloves (e.g. white in the fall, black in the spring). On the volcanic island they only powder their face. They have most of their hair braided and pinned to the back of their head, with two tendrils pulled loose to the front. Their outfit is black with red accents.
Golden Beryl is mostly made out of... golden beryl... but they have an arm and a leg made of maxixe beryl too.
None of note.

Name: Golden Beryl "Beryl"
Age: Middle Age
Species: Gem
Family: Silicates
Hardness: 8
Tenacity: Brittle
Job: Papermaker
Affiliation: Volcanic Island
Origin: Migrant
thoughts on the others
Notes: Golden Beryl was a design given to me by artfight user moogle. Thank you so much! :D