Chalcopyrite (WIP)
The volcanic island's strange and offputting medic. Chalcopyrite sort of just showed up one day, and the others like them pretty decently. They used to be a prolific and bright little guy who became a fine medic and chemist, even helping develop several new technologies, but after dumping acid on their head they've gone very, very quiet. They still do their job, but they hardly leave their office or do much other than sleep these days. What little comes out of their mouth is often quite cryptic. However, they won't let anyone replace their head, so it would seem that they'll be staying this way for a while.
Chalcopyrite is somewhat shorter and stockier than the others, standing at about 4 and a half feet tall. Their body is mostly brassy with purplish iridescent parts on their head and hands. One of their eyes is usually closed, if not both. They have wavy hair that goes to their shoulders. Their outfit is black with blue accents, and they never wear powder.
Chalcopyrite is made entirely of their namesake mineral. Their head and hands have been tarnished with acid and turned iridescent. These parts of them do not absorb sunlight.
Name: Chalcopyrite "Chalco"
Age: Junior
Species: Gem
Family: Sulfides
Hardness: 3.5
Tenacity: Brittle
Job: Medic
Affiliation: Volcanic Island
Origin: Native
Early Life
Chalcopyrite was born from the depositions of a hydrothermal vent deep in the ocean. They stumbled around the seafloor for a time before coming upon the shore of the volcanic island, where they were taken in and raised. They were exceptionally bright and their talents in geology and chemistry got them given the job of the official medic at only a handful of years old.
thoughts on the others

Notes: Chalcopyrite was originally just made because I had some chalcopyrites in real life and wanted to make a character about it. But I couldn't think of how to make them interesting beyond being a design, so I reused an older version of Stishovite where they were a quartz who'd fallen into a furnace and had their head turned into shiny glass, which was lifeless but pretty enough for them to refuse having it replaced, and worked that into Chalco's story instead.