Commissions (CLOSED)
Behold... my commission page sheet! You can order these privately or through my Ko-Fi.
Interested in custom keychains? See their own page here!
Terms of Service
- I reserve the right to cancel a commission for whatever reason.
- I won't draw NSFW, cars or... something else i'll figure it out. But those are the big two
- something something
Characters and Scenes
Characters are priced by the style and percentage visible. I don't do sketch commissions.
- Lined (Includes coloring and cel shading): $10
- Painted (Includes coloring and soft shading): $30
Percentage Visible
- Bust (Down to shoulders): x0.3 of style price
- Halfbody (Down to waist): x0.5 of style price
- Fullbody: x1 of style price
Background content
- Flat/gradient/none: Free
- Simple backgrounds (I.e. beaches, fields, deserts, empty rooms): $20
- Complex backgrounds (I.e. forests, decorated interiors, cities, reefs): $40
Background style
- Lined: $10
- Painted: $20

In order: A fullbody painted character with a gradient background ($30), a fullbody lined character with a lined simple background ($40) and a fullbody painted character with a complex painted background ($90 at full price, but the character is small so they get a 50% discount and I'll say $75 instead.)
If your desired scene focuses more on the background than the character, or the character is small compared to it, I can discount the character price. How much of a discount will depend on the situation.
I also do these really tiny characters that I call microbes. $5 flat price, this includes flat colors and a simple/gradient/transparent background. These are always done on a 200x200 canvas.
Design Work
Custom Confibulans: A playable character for the phonies ARPG. You'll get a colored-in import with custom fins and whatever traits you please. A price breakdown:
- Base price: $10
- Markings: $2 each
- Traits + Anatomy mutations: $5 each
- Pigment mutations: $2 each
- Accessories: $5 each
- Scars: Free unless complicated

So... when you've finished figuring out what you'd like to get, shoot me a message containing this stuff:
- Character Reference: Who am I drawing?
- Style and Addons: How am I drawing them?
- Style Specific Things: E.x. line thickness, so on
- Pose, Expression, Background, Props: What are they doing?
- Payment Method: How are you paying me? (paypal invoice, ko-fi, etc...)
And I'll get back to you with a price estimate.