Rainbow Lattice Feldspar (WIP)
One of the older gems and the second migrant gem to set foot on the shores of the volcanic island. They're somewhat strict and callous, and well connected. They have high expectations and get upset when things aren't done their way. They want to be special. To their friends back home, they're assumed to be on the moon.
Rainbow is a gem of average build. Their body is a clear beigeish color and they have long straight hair. They always wear gloves. They wear powder on their face only on the volcanic island. Their outfit is black with red accents. Their pupils are triangular.
Rainbow is made entirely of rainbow lattice feldspar, sometimes called rainbow lattice sunstone, but which is actually a moonstone. Their body is filled with bits of hematite and sheets of shiny magnetite which are iridescent (hence the name rainbow) in the light, and black in the shade. They have more magnetite in their hair and more hematite in their limbs.
None of note.

Name: Rainbow Lattice Feldspar "Rainbow"
Age: Senior
Species: Gem
Family: Silicates
Hardness: 6
Tenacity: Brittle
Job: Seamstress
Affiliation: Volcanic Island
Origin: Migrant
Rainbow, being one of the older gems, has been around a while. They always wanted to be a seamstress, but that role was already taken so they pursued fighting instead. They'd drift around between partners. Although they were a great fighter, they always felt painfully average in comparison to their peers. They had an idea to form themself into a "mentor" figure, and hoped that they would become more popular among their peers that way. They got plenty of notably weak gems into the patrol job, and they attempted to train them up. They really weren't very good at it, and ended up losing several of their partners. They became frustrated after some time and decided to quit patrolling altogether. Soon after, they disappeared.
thoughts on the others
Notes: doot doot doot