Jannet is an orca that inhabits the waters around the Antarctic Peninsula. When she received her clone she was cast out of her pod for injuring most of its members and now lives mostly alone. She makes frequent migrations up north to the coasts of Argentina. Jan employs a variety of hunting types and will eat just about anything, owing to her need to be resourceful after being booted out.
Like many orcas of her kind, Jannet is relatively small (for orcas I mean, but she's still 6 meters long) with a dark dorsal cape on the top of her body, and a saddle patch with a long trailing edge that reaches her eye spot. Her forehead, tail and dorsal fin sport a few scars. Her body is overall lighter thanks to a cast of diatoms which would make her look yellow, but her clone makes her cast appear reddish instead. Her conspicuous red coloration has made her a target for potential researchers, but she's managed to evade them so far.
Jannet hosts the maroon clone which has learned to produce an irritating chemical that stings anything it touches except for the host. It proves useful when hunting. She can "throw up" the clone and capture prey in it like a net, and it will sting the prey sometimes to the point of paralyzing it.

Name: Jannet (To humans)
Age: 32
Size: 20' (length)
Species: Orca
Nationality: Type B2 Antarctic
Pronouns: She/her
Identity: Female
Affiliation: Host to maroon clone

Early Life
Jannet was born in the Gerlache Strait off of Antarctica, as most of her ecotype are. She lived in a pod of a handful of other whales and had a mostly normal childhood.
Meeting Fungus
In her adolescence, Jannet met with a strange looking pale orca who she'd never seen before. [insert interesting story beat here which I will figure out later] One time, Jannet accidentally injured some of her pod members with her newly acquired clone, and they cast her out, fearing that she'd become possessed (which is partially true). This event left her quite distraught and resentful of having met Fungus in the first place. Regardless, with no family left to associate with, Jannet's focus turned to serving Fungus by bringing them some of her kills.
Jannet spends her days wandering the southern Atlantic, utilizing a variety of hunting types to find her next meal, as well as that of the boss. She doesn't belong to a pod anymore, instead drifting between small groups or solitary orcas for a time before leaving. She was taught how to strand herself on beaches to catch terrestrial prey on the shore thanks to another orca whom she's now become friends with, and the two occasionally travel together.

Garden's notes: Jannet was the first cetacean character made for this story. I wanted to have some fun with whales! Because whales are cool.