Melanterite (WIP)
Officially known as the volcanic island's village fool. Melanterite never found passion in work as the others knew it, so they've instead dedicated themself to a job of being so kind and so silly that hopefully, the others will be more entertained by them than disgruntled that they don't have a job. So, that sort of formed into that being their job after all. They're very friendly.
Melanterite is a bit taller than the average gem. Their body is mostly a minty green, with tufts of white spiky minerals on their wrists and neck. Their hair is shoulder length with a smooth texture. Their outfit is black with yellow accents.
Melanterite is made mostly of iron sulfate as well as small spots of matrix and fuzzy tufts of epsomite.
They're water soluble, and also dry out quickly. They need to monitor their moisture content all the time to prevent them from falling apart, so they're usually covered in resin to keep water both in and out.
Name: Melanterite "Mel"
Age: Junior
Species: Gem
Family: Sulfates
Hardness: 2
Tenacity: Brittle, Fibrous
Job: Fool
Affiliation: Volcanic Island
Origin: Native
thoughts on the others
Gallery (WIP)

Notes: I found it neat that copper sulfate kills organisms with copper-based blood, but iron sulfate can help boost the oxygen content of organisms with iron-based blood.