Showing off my fish tanks!
"Blackwater" Community 20 gal. long

My favorite of my tanks and home to my small freshwater community. This tank is stocked with small schools of red neon rainbowfish, neon green tasboras, blue panda guppies, kuhli loaches as well as a horned nerite snail and a flower shrimp. The planting in this tank consists of low-maintenance species such as anubias, vallisneria, marimo and pothos. I need to take a new photo of it sometime...
Goldfish rock garden 29 gal.
No image yet... but my 4-year old goldfish lives here! This tank is planted with hardy species like anubias and pothos. It has two filters, and uses a variety of materials like bricks, slate and river stones. This tank used to be home to an enormous chinese algae eater who'd kill anything he saw and lived about 10 years.