A matter of fact kind of guy. Patrick wanders the plains and coasts in search of his next meal, and also to try and uncover the secrets of his alien friend. Patrick isn't his real name, but that's what we'll call him for the sake of this page. He's a bit of a loner and a weirdo outcast, probably because he travels with a human and also because he walks around naked all the time. But the thoughts of other palindromes matter quite little to him since he was kicked out of his social group in the woodlands and took to the prairies instead.
Patrick is a trilaterally and biaxially symmetrical critter with smooth cyan skin. He's covered in dark stripes and has dark brown eyes. He's about 3 feet tall and does not wear any clothes.
- Human Guy: Patrick's bandmate, who he discovered after attempting to loot a fallen human ship. Patrick knows little about Human Guy's personal life, but does appreciate that he has opposable thumbs and can start a fire.
- Tear: A tent which Patrick frequents. While most grassland palindromes revere tents as both holy beings and holy places, they tend to exclude Tear from that equation on account of the giant hole in their side. Patrick, however, likes Tear and visits them often.

Name: "Patrick" or Valleypeakvalleyplainvalleypeak
Pronouns: He/him
Identity: 3:2
Species: Palindrome (T. katharsis ssp. modicus)
Nationality: Central woodlands
Genotype: IgIgMbMbercc, Bk, Cs, Sr, Sp / es, ts, pl, gu, Rw / ax (IgiMbMpercc, IrIgMpMpercc, IrIgMpMpercc)
Phenotype: Axanthic Fresh with Blanket, Countershade, Stripes, Spots, Eyespots, Tri-Symmetry, Palindromic, Gulper Mouth and Ray Wings (Spruce, Electric, Grass)

Garden's notes: fun notes about character