Pegmatite (WIP)
Pegmatite is another gem born later into the story. They have no trouble talking back to anybody. Recently their job was moved from making clothes to watching over a previously exiled gem who'd returned to the island, and they're not very happy about it. They enjoy sports.
Pegmatite is an averagely built gem, a bit taller than the average one. Their body is made of various colors from black to brown to purple to pink to white. Their hair is made of hexagonal pieces, and has a long ponytail that they can detach from their head. Their outfit is black with purple accents.
Pegmatite is made of mica, feldspar, quartz, tourmaline, spodumene and beryl.
Some of their body parts are piezoelectric.
Name: Pegmatite "Peg"
Age: Junior
Species: Gem
Family: Silicates
Hardness: 7ish
Tenacity: Brittle
Job: Parole
Affiliation: Volcanic Island
Origin: Native
thoughts on the others
Gallery (WIP)

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