Salt & Pepper Diamond (WIP)
Salt & Pepper Diamond was born in a volcanic fissure off the coast of the volcanic island, but they grew up on the canon one. They washed up on the shore missing their arms, legs and half of their head. Growing up, they were told that they were just born this way, but they've had strange dreams that would tell them otherwise. They're meek and like plants.
Pepper is an average gem, around 5 feet tall and with a thin build. They wear white powder on their body, left arm and face. They don't conform to the dressing conventions that other diamonds do, as less than half their body is actually made of diamond. They have a segmented high ponytail with two tendrills pulled out.
Salt & Pepper Diamond's original body is a colorless diamond with many graphite inclusions. They have a left arm made of prehnite, an arm and both legs made of metal slag, and half of their head is made of bicolor tanzanite.
None of note.
Name: Salt & Pepper Diamond "Pepper"
Age: Junior
Species: Gem
Family: Native Elements
Hardness: 10
Tenacity: Brittle
Job: Patrol
Affiliation: Earth (Old Island)
Origin: Migrant
thoughts on the others
Gallery (WIP)

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