Pietersite (WIP)
The volcanic island's weaponsmith, carpenter, mason, glassmaker and overall miserable guy. Pietersite was at one point called Crocidolite and lived on the island during some of its earliest days. They went missing following a meteor strike on the island, which sent them flying into the sea and buried under debris. Many years later they re-emerged as a somewhat different rock, freshly silicified and also traumatized. They're always working on some kind of project and cannot allow themself to sleep or take a break. Among others, they're quite awkward, so they prefer to be alone where they can focus on whatever it is that needs doing.
Pietersite is yet another mostly average gem. They're thinly built and about 5 feet tall. They have slightly longer than shoulder length hair and bangs that "swoop" across their forehead. They powder their face only, like most gems on the volcanic island. Their outfit is black with blue accents, and they wear an apron most of the time. They have poor posture.
Pietersite is actually mostly Crocidolite asbestos, and they have a thin layer of brecciated and altered material (i.e. pietersite) on their outside, like a skin. They're like a calzone except they're filled with asbestos and surrounded by quartz instead of sauce and a crust.
All that time underground has made them highly resistant in the dark. They don't get tired in low-light situations like nighttime, winter or underwater.

Name: Pietersite "Pieters"
Age: Junior
Species: Gem
Family: Silicates
Hardness: 6.5ish
Tenacity: Brittle, Fibrous
Job: Repairs
Affiliation: Volcanic Island
Origin: Native
Early Life
thoughts on the others

Notes: Pietersite was the second HnK character I made. They were originally just a crocidolite asbestos and nothing bad ever happened to them, but I got ideas...