A meek orca from northern waters, and one of Fungus's favorite individuals whom they've picked out a clone for. Rana inhabits the Bering sea and waters around it and usually hunts for fish, but also is known to pursue the occasional shark to bring to her boss.
Rana is a rather conspicuous leucistic orca. As opposed to being black and white, she looks very pink. If it weren't for her being a host to a red blob of microbes that shifts around under her skin, she'd be all white. She has an open saddle patch and no dorsal cape. The top of her body is covered in rake marks and she's missing a chunk of her dorsal fin.
Rana is host to the red clone whose "party trick" is that it can glow. As a result, when in the dark, she herself appears to glow faintly. This has earned her a significant reputation among members of her pod as well as curious researchers. She can throw up her clone and use it as a lure.

Name: Rana (To humans)
Age: 24
Size: 22' (length)
Species: Orca
Nationality: Russian Resident
Pronouns: She/her
Identity: Female
Affiliation: Host to red clone

Early Life
Rana was born somewhere in the Bering sea. I'll fill this part in later.

Garden's notes: ...