Speculative evolution

These are my works showcasing fictional alien worlds and the critters that live in them. Some are of my own design, others are contributing to the projects of other people.

"Hmm... Maybe not" 2021, Digital

"This piece appeared in Alien Biospheres: Part 12 - Sociality and Cooperation. The image shows a large grey animal, a hoplopod, browsing between groves of trees in relative safety thanks to the venomous animals, phylactocanthids, which have set themselves up on its back. A red predator animal, a cryptodont, reevaluates whether it's worth it or not to hunt this one."

"Courting" 2021, Digital

"This piece was submitted for Alien Biospheres, but it didn't make it into the episode. I still like it though. A male allobrachid attempts to impress a female with his colorful arms. Behind him, another challenger approaches."

"Wetlands" 2021, Digital

"This piece takes place in the cobalt wetlands of the planet palindromes live on. Pictured isn't a palindrome but a chimeric phony, a puzzlingly bilaterally symmetrical animal who coexists with them. I imagine that the "plants" have eyestalks and move depending on how wet they see their leaves. Pink means they should get out of the water, blue means they should move towards it. Like moisture test paper, only living."

"Aozoan Variety Sampler" 2022, Digital

"My first try at drawing different types of aozoa. Read more on the "beasts" page."

"Spin him" 2022, Digital animation

Palindromes can't be caught off guard. They're built for tumbling! Turn it on its side and it's just the same. This animal has no back, no belly, no blind spot.