Sulfur (WIP)
The volcanic island is full of geological activity, and it just so happens to have a lot of sulfur to spit out. In the coming days after an eruption, gases coalesce into limbs and many, many sulfurs are born, before burning up and soaking into the ground. It's guessed that all of the sulfurs form a collaborative consciousness that gets built upon every time one of them burns and melts into the ground and reforms with the memories of many before them next time an eruption happens. The other gems don't really know what to do about this, so they try to herd the mobile ones into a crater on the island where most of them live.
A sulfur looks to be made of bright yellow crystals. Most of them only form as arms or legs but some rarely end up complete. They're prone to having limbs in misplaced positions.
It's just sulfur, baby!
Sulfur burns blue and melts into bright orange liquid. That's not a really cool ability, in fact it's quite detrimental, but it's worth noting.

Name: Sulfur
Age: Junior
Species: Gem
Family: Native Elements
Hardness: 2.5
Tenacity: Brittle
Job: None
Affiliation: Volcanic Island
Origin: Native
thoughts on the others
Gallery (WIP)

Notes: Just like a real sulfur, they smell like rotten eggs.