Bathydomus (WIP)
A member of a deep-sea group of admirabilis, but she's found all over the place and especially in tropical waters. Bathydomus has a heart for adventure and a bit of a mischievous streak. In recent times she often goes on land both for exploration and also as part of her new job surveying for a friend stuck deep underwater. She likes collecting gem hands.
Bathy is about 10 feet long in her "true" humanoid form, and about a foot long in her normal one. In either one, she's covered in shiny gold chitinous hairs, and iridescent scale plates.
She's just a slug. That's all.
She can shift between a tiny animal form and a larger humanoid form.
Name: Bathydomus "Bathy"
Age: Junior
Species: Admirabilis
Family: Deep sea
Hardness: n/a
Tenacity: n/a
Job: Surveyor
Affiliation: Ocean
Origin: Native
Bathydomus was born and raised in an oceanic fissure, but she always had a desire to explore the world. When she was old enough to go out on her own, she was off like a shot. In the tropical shallows she found a fun pastime in chasing gems who explored the oceans, and but she always made sure to come home and visit family. One day she was approached by a gem who lived among her home group, who was too tired to leave and too heavy to be carried out, but wanted to know what was going on at the surface. In exchange for their arm, which she's borrowing, she's taken up the job of reporting the going-ons to her new gem friend.
thoughts on the others

Notes: Did you know that they call the shiny polychaetes (which bathy is based upon) "elvis worms"? That's nifty.