Biphosphammite (WIP)
The volcanic island's actual first inhabitant. They were born and taken away before anyone else was born, so no one remembers them ever being there at all. Biphos lives on the moon now, and they quite like it there even though for most of their life they've been the only gem around. Or maybe they don't have anything else to compare it to. They know they used to live on Earth, and they frequently wonder about what's going on down there. They live a hedonistic life filled with cute outfits and lavish vacations. They're secretly very lonely.
Biphos has a relatively average build compared with other gems. They have long hair in a high ponytail with various sections brought to the front, though they change their hairstyle from time to time. They wear all sorts of extravagant white outfits, and are almost always seen with a pair of platforms on. Powders and lacquers don't stick to them, so they don't wear any finishes.
Biphosphammite is made entirely of monoammonium phosphate. They're normally colorless but can absorb dyes to turn any color they'd like.
They're water soluble, so they can dissolve into a puddle if wet. They find doing this to be kind of fun.

Name: Biphosphammite "Biphos"
Age: Junior
Species: Gem
Family: Phosphates
Hardness: 1.5
Tenacity: Brittle
Job: Model
Affiliation: Moon
Origin: Migrant
Biphosphammite was born from the remains of an enormous decaying slug that happened to beach and die on a newly born volcanic island. They were kidnapped after a couple of days and used on the moon for experiments regarding the microbes that live inside of gems. After the studies had concluded, the scientists on the moon debated on what to do with them. In the end, they allowed them to live freely on the moon, and they have ever since.
Other gems have shown up for brief periods while they've been living there, and they always try to make friends with them. Eventually they all disappear, though, and they're left alone once again. They take this kind of personally.
Thoughts on the others
On Pallasite: Biphosphammite's inclusions were farmed en masse to hopefully transplant them into inert minerals either made synthetically, mined from the hydrothermal deposits or asteroid fields in space, to create gems that would serve the moon. None of them ever woke up, and Biphos was allowed to live on the moon feeling a bit poorly about this failure. When Gaspeite was taken to the moon, they were repaired with one of the meteor bodies Biphos failed to possess and took its identity. Biphos projects a lot onto Pallasite, and somewhat resents them. They're jealous that they were able to be useful to the moon, and also feel a bit bitter about how much Pallasite has grown to resent their job on the moon.
On Stishovite: Pallasite brought one of their friends along to the moon once, and Biphos and Stishov got along great. Whenever Stishov would be on the moon, they'd always be hanging out with Biphos, going on dinner dates, shopping sprees, and trips to amusement parks.
Gallery (WIP)
Notes: You know those crystals you can get in crystal growing kits? Most of the time, they're monoammonium phosphates. I was inspired to make Biphos after getting a couple of kits of my own and creating my own synthetic biphosphammite collection.