Pallasite (WIP)
An enigmatic figure around the island. Pallasite showed up one day, conveniently at the same time that a meteor destroyed the island a long time ago. Since then they've helped rebuild settlements and integrated themself into society on the volcanic island. These days they sort of alternate between living on the island and helping out with farming, and being dragged back to work on the moon for years at a time. They used to be a gem of a different name but after being kidnapped they switched sides so they could get another shot at life, under a new identity. When they're on the moon, they help organize and perform attacks against the earth gems. They would like to quit their job or at least take a break, but it seems the cards aren't in their favor. They aren't particularly well-liked anywhere they go.
Pallasite is slightly taller and bulkier than the others. Their body is almost entirely metal, polished and etched to show widmanstatten patterns. They have a bunch of small olivine crystals spotting their body too, and their hair is made of the same material. Their hairstyle is a shoulder length bob with a bun. They don't wear any powder. On earth, their outfit is black with green accents. On the moon, they wear all white.
Their body is made mostly of a pallasite meteorite, which is made of a nickel-iron alloy and olivine crystals. Underneath this, one can find their original body which is made of nickel carbonate. It's not very intuitive to have a crumbly carbonate mineral supporting heavy metals, so they're frequently tired.
Being partially metallic, they don't shatter as easily and can even expend a lot of energy to cause material to stretch out or form spikes.

Name: Pallasite "Pallas"
Age: Middle Age
Species: Gem
Family: Native Elements, Silicates, Carbonates
Hardness: About 5
Tenacity: Brittle, Malleable
Job: Freeloader, Indentured
Affiliation: Volcanic Island, Moon
Origin: Migrant
Pallasite was born a Gaspeite, a weak nickel carbonate who was satisfied with their role of being barred from partaking in fighting. They wanted to be a botanist more than anything else. Through some twist of fate, they somehow ended up in a patrol pairing. They weren't very good at it but no matter how many times they tried to skip work, or how many times they'd gotten into perilous accidents, they couldn't get away from it. One day they were actually captured, and once they were on the moon they were asked to defect. Not wanting to be ground into powder like all the other gems who'd said no in the past, they agreed. They were given repairs with a meteor that had landed on the moon and given a new name and a new job.
Thoughts on the others
On Rainbow Feldspar: Gaspeite never really wanted to join the patrol team, but for some reason Rainbow advocated for them to "have a sense of purpose" and fight alongside them. The duration of their partnership was spent with them trying to skip out on duty, and other times getting into many, many accidents and close calls, and then other times being berated by Rainbow for either of those two things. Gaspeite eventually realized that Rainbow only wanted them as a partner to gain popularity and a good reputation as a reliable teacher among their senior friends, so they started leaning more and more into being a failure of a patroller so they'd hopefully be free of them. In the end, that ended up getting them kidnapped. Now with a new name and body, they've been wanting to get back at Rainbow in any way they can.
On Elbaite: El was Gaspeite's only friend back home, so they can't help but have a soft spot for them. Unfortunately, it seems that their old friend has gone completely off the rails. Pallasite is keeping a secret for them in exchange for Elbaite letting them stay on their island, to everyone else's objections. Elbaite doesn't know that Pallasite used to be Gaspeite.
On Stishovite: A misguided lunar attack on the volcanic island led Stishovite to lose all of their memories, and as a lunar gem, Pallasite feels guilty about that. To make up for this, he's become good friends and work partners with Stishovite. The two are the only ones allowed to go to and from the old island to collect resources, so they spend much time together on the "road" along the seafloor.
On Biphosphammite: When Pallasite was first getting used to living on the moon, Biphos was there to show them around. The two became good friends, but ever since Pallasite started actually doing his work, the two have drifted apart. They're both kind of jealous of one another, Biphos wishes they could have been a successful gem agent for the moon like Pallas is, and Pallasite wishes he wouldn't have to fight like Biphos doesn't.
On Salt & Pepper Diamond: Salt & Pepper was the only gem Pallasite had ever taken who agreed to defect to the moon. They were aware that Pepper was the gem his friend Elbaite stole a couple limbs from, but figured that it would be a good chance to shove something in his face to try and convince him to stop.
On Bicolor Sapphire: Gaspeite looked up to Bicolor back in the day. Later, they were the one to take them to the moon.
On Tiger Iron: Pallasite's main assignment has been to take Tiger Iron to the moon. They haven't been successful yet, and it seems like Tiger's main objective is to capture Pallasite as well.
Notes: When I first designed Pallasite, I gave them digitigrade legs. I have no idea why. It looked cool?
I try my best to obscure their neck in any way possible, be it with clothes, strategic posing and hairstyles, or camera angles.