A friendly and rather dreamy palindrome. They're prone to contracting external parasites, but they're too kind-hearted to kill them or request anyone to do it for them. They've had plenty of lovers through their life.
Stardust is a trilaterally and biaxially symmetrical critter with smooth periwinkle skin that fades to a light blue on their extremities. They also are covered in white spots. They typically wear heavy and long clothes with pinkish red accents on them.
- Patrick Stardust had a brief fling with Patrick.

Name: "Stardust" or Valleypeakplainplainplainpeak
Pronouns: They/them
Identity: 8:4
Species: Palindrome (T. katharsis ssp. modicus)
Nationality: Western Tundra
Genotype: IrIrMbMpercc, BL, Sp / es, ts, pl, gu, Rw / ax (IgiMpMpercc, IrIgMpMpercc, iimmercc)
Phenotype: Axanthic Cornflower with Blushed, Spots, Eyespots, Tri-symmetry, Palindromic, Gulper Mouth and Ray Wings (Seafoam, Electric, Nacreous)

Garden's notes: Stardust is an encounterable NPC in the ARPG. They have 13 kids as of me writing this. Palindromes normally have up to one of each gonad on their three exiting digestive tracts, for a maximum of 6 gonads, but Stardust has 12. This doesn't really affect much, but it's worth noting.