Relationship Chart (WIP)
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Salammoniac and Pietersite
Salammoniac doesn't remember much of Crocidolite, the name Pietersite used to have last time they saw each other. These days, Sal is intrigued by Pieters' neverending work habits, and is pleased that they're one of the only ones who use the books that Sal writes.
Pietersite was also disappointed to find that Sal didn't remember them either, but they're impressed with the amount of books they've written since they've been gone. Reading is another great way to stay active and awake when they're too tired to work.
Elbaite and Pietersite
Pietersite was quite upset at Elbaite when they found out that they didn't bother looking for them after they went missing, considering they're the only person who didn't lose all their memories of them. Elbaite's shrugging off of this hasn't made matters much better.
Salammoniac and Chalcopyrite
Salammoniac isn't too pleased with how much Chalcopyrite uses minerals in their chemical experiments. What if any of them are secretly alive?
Chalcopyrite would like it if the Creepy Really Tall Guy Who Never Speaks would stop stalking them.
Pallasite and Salt & Pepper Diamond
Pallasite took Salt & Pepper Diamond to the moon, and was hoping that they'd defect. Not just so that he wouldn't have to do the bulk of the kidnapping anymore, but also because he could tell that Pepper was a certain diamond who his friend had dismembered and thought wasn't alive. Ammunition to rub in his face, and so on. Pepper did in fact defect, and the two got to know one another. Pallasite sees a lot of himself in Pepper and they share a mutual interest in botany.
Pepper was taken to the moon by Pallasite and understandably has a bit of fear surrounding him. Really, they don't have much of an interest in helping the moon with their goals, they just wanted to buy more time to figure out why they were born without any limbs and if their strange visions mean anything. (Eventually when they cross paths with Elbaite, the guy who stole their limbs and also a friend(?) of Pallasite's, their relationship takes a hit. Why is he friends with this guy?)
Biphosphammite and Salt & Pepper Diamond
Biphosphammite is always eager to see a new gem face on the moon. They hope that they'll do well in their mission.
Salt & Pepper thinks that Biphos is alright, but a little vapid and overbearing sometimes.
Biphosphammite and Stishovite
Biphos and Stishovite get along fantastically. Stishovite is given clearance to come to the moon sometimes, and whenever they do they have a great time with Biphos. The two can be found all over the moons going out to dinners, theme parks, picnics, dances and anything else one can imagine.
Pallasite and Stishovite
Pallasite first arrived on the volcanic island to investigate a misfired detonation intended for the main island. When he got there, he found that the accident had nearly obliterated a poor quartz living there, reducing them to a pile of glass and shock polymorphs and without any memories. Pallasite tried to befriend the quartz, now Stishovite, and they get along quite well. Pallasite feels guilty being associated with the moon and roping Stishovite into all of his business.
Stishovite remembers nothing of their former life, but they try to not think about their lack of memories too much. Allegedly they were quite smart before, but these days they don't concern themself with much which seems to disappoint the others on the island. One outlier is Pallasite, whose guilt they've kind of picked up on, and wanted to befriend him so he wouldn't feel so bad. Ove the years their imbalanced dynamic has kind of faded out and, at least to Stishov, they have a genuine friendship. They like to farm together, and they've even followed Pallas to the moon a few times. They worry for his well being sometimes.
Pietersite and Stishovite
Pietersite was best friends with Stishovite back when the two were Crocidolite and Quartz respectively. Now, many years later, Stishov had completely forgotten about them, and Pieters had been gone for so long that they feel awfully out of place. For a while, they attempted to rekindle their old friendship but soon found that their friend really wasn't there anymore.
Apparently, Stishovite used to be friends with Pietersite a long time ago, but Stishovite remembers nothing of this. They feel terribly bad that they can't remember.
Salt & Pepper Diamond and Stishovite
Salt & Pepper Diamond and Stishovite have a decently positive relationship, but Pepper is a little frustrated with how oblivious Stishov is. Then again, Stishov's job isn't to kidnap gems like theirs is, so they can sort of understand why they aren't concerned.
Chalcopyrite and Pietersite
Pietersite, since returning to the volcanic island, has been put up to work alongside Chalcopyrite, who, quite frankly, they find creepy. Does this mean the others also find them creepy and just put them with Chalco because they're both creepy? Oh dear.
Chalcopyrite is generally neutral to positive on Pietersite. They can appreciate their dedication to staying busy all the time.
Pallasite and Biphosphammite
Biphosphammite's entire purpose was to be used to farm out inclusions to be transplanted into empty bodies to give them life. After this didn't work, they've been left to live freely on the moon with plenty of time to ponder what their purpose can be now, and why they might have failed. When a new gem was repaired with one of these empty bodies, Biphos was left with an unsettling feeling, always hanging out with a guy walking around in a body they were supposed to possess. Biphos keeps these feelings down so as to not hurt Pallasite's feelings and tries to be friendly with him. They wish for Pallas to succeed with his task so that their own efforts weren't in vain, but they can't help but resent him.
Pallasite was befriended by Biphos when he first came to the moon, but as time goes on he can sense Biphos's jealousy. Biphos's encouragement to continue out his work is met with some disdain because ultimately he wishes he didn't have to do any of his work, and wishes that Biphos would understand that just because they failed to be in his position doesn't mean it's a good position to be in. The two have grown somewhat distant.
Elbaite and Rainbow
Elbaite and Rainbow and both of their partners were frequently grouped together for patrol duty back home. Elbaite looked up to Rainbow as they were one of the oldest gems around, and had plenty of battle wisdom to offer a young gem like themself. When Elbaite went missing and returned to the old island to steal resources, they came upon Rainbow. Not wanting to let their secret island and all its benefits loose among the rest of the gems, they offered to take Rainbow to their new island, promising them a life of safety and peace away from the moon. Recently, Elbaite's grip on their temper has begun to slip, as with the management skills they claimed to have, and they've become increasingly aggravated with Rainbow and their need to remind them of the promise they made a long time ago.
Rainbow was generally neutral on Elbaite for a while but when their friend Psilomelane partnered up with the junior they would often be grouped for a larger patrol team, and spend plenty of time together hanging out on fields chatting. Rainbow taught Elbaite a good chunk of their fighting skills, and when Elbaite went missing they were a little bummed. Upon showing up out of nowhere a few decades later, they invited Rainbow to a new island they'd allegedly discovered. Having recently lost their partner and losing sight of things a little, Rainbow agreed and followed them there in search of a new life where they didn't have to fight. Time has passed and Elbaite has not only become egotistical and a little violent, but also has been hosting a fugitive from the moon who's definitely kidnapped scores of gems, and Rainbow has grown tired of their behavior. They'd like to go home now, but Elbaite won't show them the way back.
Elbaite and Salt & Pepper Diamond
Rainbow encouraged Elbaite to search the ocean for more mineral sources after the volcano on the new island stopped releasing lava flows with useful material, so they did. Elbaite came upon a trench in the ocean filled with all sorts of minerals, many of them having extremely high hardnesses. Durable tools, powerful weapons, strong prosthetics, the possibilities were endless. They promptly cleared out the trench of all the material they could find, fixed up some new tools and weapons for everyone, and treated themself to a few repairs since they'd been missing a foot and eye for about a century by then. For the next few weeks they were taunted by nightmares in which they dismembered themself, and it clicked in their mind that maybe the minerals coming from the trench were actually live ones this whole time. Upon returning to the trench they found a limbless diamond, surely belonging to the pieces they'd broken off that day, and they took the poor gem and dumped them far away on the seafloor, not wanting to spark any dismemberment-related drama if they were to bring them to their new island. They frequently return to the trench to make sure no one else emerges from it, because they're paranoid that the trench itself Knows What They Did. They aren't aware that the diamond made their way to the main island.
Salt and Pepper Diamond was always told that they were born on the same shore most gems are born on, in a deficient patch of mineral leaving them with no arms, legs and half a face. They believed that for a while, but had always been plagued with strange dreams in which they had them broken off and stolen. When they were taken to the moon, they agreed to defect to buy themself more time to figure it out. They haven't met Elbaite yet, but their paths will cross some day.
Elbaite and Salammoniac
When Elbaite first washed up on the shores of the volcanic island, the only other gem around was Salammoniac. They quickly became friends after a brief period of chasing and mild hijinks involving decapitation and "forcefully granting the gift of sight", and for the first couple of decades of them knowing each other they'd spend most of their time together hanging out in silence. Elbaite has always been frustrated they they were never able to teach Sal to speak, or maybe it's just that they won't. They can't really tell. Since bringing more of their friends over to the island, they haven't been interacting with Sal so much. Maybe because it's easier and they aren't willing to put in the effort.
Sal had been alone for a while before Elbaite came to their island, and has been greatly appreciative of having a new friend. They're a bit less appreciative that they've effectively been tossed aside in favor of Elbaite's old friends that they brought over, but they've learned to occupy themself in ways that fulfill them in the meantime. They have difficulty speaking so they've learned to read and write, unbeknownst to most of the gems for a long time, in hopes that the others will appreciate them a bit more. Sal has noticed Elbaite becoming louder and more violent lately. Having a hardness of 1.5, they need to prioritize their safety.
Elbaite and Pallasite
Discovering that their island had been infiltrated by a guy from the moon kind of dashed Elbaite's hopes of building a secret society safe from lunar attacks, but since then they've become increasingly interested in Pallasite's inner workings, his motivations, and lifestyle. They've sort of begun to idolize the guy. Pallasite is the only one who knows about Elbaite's habit of returning to that deepsea trench, and they're being blackmailed into letting him skip work on their island in exchange for him not spilling the beans. Though, they'd let him stay anyways. They're curious about him. They want to be like him, and for them that includes the manufacturing of suffering to seem cooler, more tortured.
Elbaite doesn't know this, but Pallasite was friends with them back in the day when he had a different look and name. Although it is true that Pallas is staying on El's island to skip work and freeload, he's also doing it to try and get them to stop doing what they're doing. He thinks he can fix them.
Elbaite and Golden Beryl
Elbaite was born in the same year as Golden Beryl. The two were raised and taught together, but Beryl was more popular among the others. Elbaite was a reckless youngster with a hot temper and poor control over their piezoelectricity which ended up with them getting in trouble plenty of times. Over the years they mellowed out a bit and settled into the territory of "perfectly average fighter" as opposed to "the guy who keeps setting things on fire" while Beryl was a prolific fighter and a good friend to everyone they knew. To say they're jealous is an understatement. When Beryl ended up on Elbaite's island they were rather disappointed, though this time they are (or at least believe themself to be) in control of the power dynamics here.
Beryl and Elbaite were born in the same year, and Beryl had always wanted to be closer friends with them. They could never seem to get along, though. They have a hunch that they're up to no good these days.
Tiger Iron and Pallasite
Tiger Iron took the position of president after the previous one betrayed the earth gems and went to the moon. After a few emotionally charged clashes, they disappeared, and Tiger figured it was the end of that. Recently they've come under attack by a new lunar gem, and their current goal is to capture them at any cost. They've fought several times, but they haven't been able to best them in combat yet.
Tiger was in charge when Pallasite was a young gem living on earth, and he was always suspicious of them. For a gem who places such importance on fighting excellence, why was he, someone with no interest or talent in fighting, put on patrol duty? And why wasn't he allowed to switch jobs? For some reason, Rainbow wanted to have him as a partner, a failing partner. They'd gone to Tiger, who had repeatedly dismissed him and kept him as a fighter. It brings him a little gratification to get back at them as someone they actually take seriously. He's been tasked to kidnap Tiger and he hasn't been successful yet.
Elbaite and Psilomelane
Elbaite's partner on the old island was Psilomelane, the oldest, wisest and chillest gem of all. They had a friendly and casual relationship. Psilo taught Elbaite plenty about fighting, and they worked together well. When Elbaite ventured into the sea to explore they convinced Psilomelane to come with them, but the two got separated. Elbaite wonders what became of them, but hasn't really gone to the effort to look for them. The sea is a great big place, after all.
Psilomelane was put up to work with Elbaite in order to calm the destructive, static-filled youngster down. They taught them all sorts of things about fighting, and over the years El mellowed out a bit. They enjoyed their company. They've been down at the bottom of the ocean for probably centuries now, and are a little bummed that they never bothered to look, but then again maybe they did. They have no way of knowing, do they? Later they'll find their way to the volcanic island, and they'll be surprised at how their partner's changed.
Rainbow and Psilomelane
Rainbow, being an older gem just like Psilomelane, has known Psilo for a long, long time. They generally have a positive relationship, though they did butt heads in the past.
Psilomelane has known Rainbow for a long time, and generally appreciates their company. They think they take advantage of Tiger Iron's tendency towards favoritism a bit too much.
Boracite and Psilomelane
Boracite and Psilomelane are both older gems. Boracite doesn't see too much of Psilomelane on account of working winters often, but whenever they have to take a season off on account of their legs they often hang out with Psilomelane, recalling old times and bonding over how both of them unintentionally poisoned their bodies.
Psilomelane doesn't see Boracite much but enjoys their company whenever they get the chance. They've both poisoned themselves a long time ago and are still dealing with the repercussions of that. They like Boracite's sense of humor.
Boracite and Tiger Iron
Boracite doesn't actually see Tiger too often because of their work schedule, but they do respect them.
Tiger appreciates Boracite's commitment to working despite their condition. Although the two of them are similar in age, they aren't particularly close.
Boracite and Golden Beryl
Whenever Boracite is active in the spring and fall, they're partnered up with Golden Beryl provided they aren't filling in for anyone else. They think that Beryl is a fun person to be around, and was very happy to find that they made their way to the volcanic island.
Golden Beryl looks up to Boracite and finds them a lot of fun. The two of them have plenty of inside jokes made up over the years.
Psilomelane and Framesite
Psilomelane is one of the few gems who remembers Framesite. They thought they were a good leader, but when they defected to join the moon they were a little dismayed.
Psilomelane and Tiger Iron
Psilomelane appreciates the work Tiger has put in to be a good leader. They have a generally positive relationship, though they think they're a little needlessly hard on the younger gems.
Tiger Iron has a lot of respect for Psilomelane, being the oldest gem. Back in the day they were closer, but they've drifted apart a bit.
Tiger Iron and Framesite
Tiger Iron and Framesite were close friends and patrol partners back in the day. Framesite's kidnapping shook their psyche, and their subsequent return on the side of the moon shook it even more.
Pallasite and Rainbow
Before Pallasite had his new look and name, he was a meek little gem living on earth whose greatest dream was to be a botanist and compile books about the environment. This dream was taken away from him when he was assigned patrol duty despite not having any talent or desire for it, and the next few centuries were spent with him growing an increasing resentment for his job, himself, his partner and even the rest of the gems. Despite continuously being terrible at his job, he was never dismissed, only berated for it. He had a theory that Rainbow purposefully picked him for patrol to make a spectacular failure out of him, and was almost grateful when he was eventually kidnapped. When he was asked to defect he took the offer, wanting a fresh start. He'd like to get back at Rainbow in any way possible.
Rainbow doesn't know that Pallasite used to be their partner, but has a similar disdain for him for other reasons, mainly the fact that he's from the moon and is allowed to hang out on the new island when it was supposed to be a safe place away from the moon. They're trying to figure out how to get rid of him.
Rainbow and Tiger Iron
Rainbow and Tiger have a generally positive relationship. They've had permission granted to train up most of the newer gems, and they're grateful for having a job that can set them apart from the others.
Tiger and Rainbow were briefly partners at one point. Tiger has appointed Rainbow to train young gems in fighting, even though their track record is kind of terrible. They don't suspect anything, or at least they aren't willing to.
Rainbow and Bicolor Sapphire
Rainbow thinks very highly of Bicolor Sapphire. They find their cool, sort of sad, jaded mystique quite inspiring.
Tiger Iron and Bicolor Sapphire
Tiger Iron has respect for Bicolor Sapphire, being another one of the older gems, and lets them do pretty much whatever they want.
Bicolor Sapphire generally enjoys Tiger's company and thinks of them as a fine leader. They appreciate that they haven't made them find a new partner.
Bicolor Sapphire and Framesite
Bicolor Sapphire was around when Framesite defected and was a part of the group of gems who outright fought against them. Since then, though, they'd been considering their reasons, and had grown curious about the moon.
Golden Beryl and Salammoniac
Golden Beryl has noticed that everyone generally leaves Sal alone. They're curious about them.
Pallasite and Bicolor Sapphire
Pallasite, back in the day, looked up to Bicolor Sapphire. Later, he ended up being the one to take them to the moon. He was hoping they'd defect.
Bicolor Sapphire was taken to the moon by Pallasite. They were asked to defect but rejected the offer. They requested that Pallasite grind them to dust himself, which he did.